Be wildly successful with strategic content that stands out online.

We help both startups and established companies like yours to improve their content marketing with strategic content.

Smart phone with Hey Great Content abbreviation HGC and a cloud computing cloud

Strategic content targets the customers you’d like to get more of. It creates brand awareness, generates leads, nurtures subscribers, and retains customers.

When we work together, we’ll do research to find the things that make your products and services remarkable. This includes competitive research so we can discover the ways that your solutions are better than your competitors’ solutions.

Then, we’ll create content that persuades your prospects and turns them into loyal paying customers.

As your prospects consume your content, they’ll start visualizing themselves using your products—picturing how their jobs will be easier, how their problems will be solved, and how they’ll have more fun. They’ll want to join your tribe and buy from you!

About Us

We’re certified content writers and copywriters with a ton of business, marketing, and tech startup experience.

Industries we’ve worked in

  • Software, SaaS, search, AI, technology, and IT
  • Human resources (HRIS) and recruiting (ATS)
  • Retail and e-commerce
  • Higher education
  • Real estate
  • Insurance
  • Construction
  • Nonprofits
  • Public sector
  • Information services

To get started, fill out the form on the Contact page.

Our values

  • Be trusted advisors. We value being reliable, trusted partners for our clients—team members who truly add value and deliver quality work on time.
  • Choose original content over AI-generated content. We like AI tools for research, but we choose to write authentic, original content for our clients. That way, we avoid generic AI-generated content that gets drowned out online.
  • Provide a great user experience (UX). We create content that is easy to read and connects with the emotions of your target buyers. You’ll win new customers and keep them coming back for more.
Prospects and customers holding up hearts who love the content and user experience (UX) on your website.

To start a conversation, email us using the form on the Contact page.

Learn more about our services.